Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cloudy with a chance of voting

Great tool to use in contrasting candidates for students.

Cloudy with a chance of voting

Here are those word clouds we had on today’s show. Chuck talked about the big words that pollsters heard the most in our new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Do check out the smallest words in all four – some interesting results overall.
What word would you use in each of the four categories? Tweet your thoughts into the conversation at #dailyrundown.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Congratulations to the Class of 2012

As we conclude this season of graduations and commencement speeches it makes one reflective. I realize each year brings about a new class of unique graduates anxious to begin their next stage of life. Individuals like no other, filled with special gifts and talents that will have a profound impact on this world. But I think the most unifying factor in all the graduating classes through all the years is the hope they represent. They stand and celebrate their work and we congratulate them knowing that the future looks brighter because they exist. I know witnessing this hope always makes me optimistic about the future and glad we take the time to celebrate their accomplishments.